Sunday, April 29, 2012

Wishing myself a Happy Birthday

I'm so excited! Last week Steven bought me a new phone for my birthday and because I felt I deserved it, I bought myself the BlackBerry PlayBook!! So now (I'm not making any promises, so don't hold your breath) I can hopefully update my blog more! You see I can use my phone as a mobile hotspot to hook up my PlayBook to the Internet at home (where we don't have the net bc the only options are satellite or air card- both of which have limited data usage)!!!!!

So to make my first official update via PlayBook.....

I made a card this week for a good friend of mine whose birthday is just a few days before mine.
 I'm not good with remembering the products I used because I don't prepare, I just dive on in, plus many times the packing is thrown away. So I took the pretty stuff above and created...
There was just one problem, it didn't seem "finished" to me. So I went and had to buy more bling...
And does it not look better by adding just a little more bling bling!?! I got a great response too! That's probably. The best part of making things for others.

Hope everyone has a fantastic Sunday!!!!!

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